Taipei Sung Shan Airport circa 1971 (China Airlines Assistance to Uncle Sam During the Vietnam War)
During the early 1970s when the Vietnam War was raging in Vietnam, Taipei was a strong US ally and their international airport at Taipei (Sung Shan) was a major depot and transit point for the US military.
As is clearly evident in the colour slides taken in 1971 by the late Rick Wargo, we can see that maintenance was performed on an assortment of US military transport aircraft at this location. Specifically, the China Airlines hangar was either made available to the US military to conduct depot repairs, or repairs were contracted out to the airline. The fact that in some of the photos we can see that the hangar roof signage “China Airlines” has been changed to “INA AIRLINES” suggests that the airline did not want to advertise whatever the arrangement might have been, whatever the case.
Taipei’s Sung Shan airport is very much a city airport in that it is very close to the city centre, and in later years a larger international airport (CKS) was constructed quite some distance from the city. That said, to this very day, Sung Shan remains a very busy and popular airport, largely serving airlines that connect Taipei to other cities on the airline and in the region.
But back in 1971, the international traffic at Taipei Sung Shan airport was rather impressive. The presence of Flying Tigers Douglas DC-8-63s, and Northwest Orient and TWA Boeing 707s, suggests the airport was a popular transit point for long haul services bring US servicemen from the Continental US to serve their tours of duty in the Vietnam War. Many of these very flights might have also had transit stops at Honolulu, which was also a popular Vietnam War charter transit location.
The regional airline scene of the day was also extremely interesting with Korean Airlines Boeing 720, JAL DC-8-61, Philippine Airlines DC-8 (series -30 and -50), Cathay Pacific Convair 880, Thai International DC-8-30, and Hang Khong 727-100 presence at Sung Shan also being noted in the period photos.
The ROC Taiwan domestic airline scene was a lot less developed than today, with local service provided by China Airlines NAMC YS-11, 727-100 and DC-4 aircraft, and Far Easter Air Transport Dart Heralds. It seems the photo vantage points at Sung Shan airport in 1972 consisted of an elevated apron view from the airport terminal building, as well as several outside photo spots by the runway and taxiway. It is believed that excellent photo spots remain near the airport ring road under the final approach, as the close confines of the city’s developments require aircraft to make very low approaches over the road.
Of course we must be very grateful that the late Rick Wargo took these very interesting photos, and we extend very special thanks to Rick’s wife Karen for making these images available so they could be shared and enjoyed.
Tags: Airport, Dart Herald, DVD, FEAT, Korean Airlines, Sung Shan, Taipei, Taiwan, Vietnam, War