Product Description
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NWT Air’s fleet of three Boeing 737-200Cs linked the sparsely inhabited Northwest Territories with the Air Canada mainline, until the company was sold in 1997. Between 1993 and 1996, former NWT Air employee and aviation fan Henry Tenby enthusiastically filmed as much of the Boeing 737-200 action as he could with the kind support of fellow employees who appear in the DVD.
Being fortunate to ride in the jump seat on many flights between Yellowknife, Edmonton and Calgary, Henry filmed a number of these sectors from the cockpit perspective and those video clips appear in this DVD. The DVD opens with a short air-to-air sequence of 737-275C N331XV performing touch-and-goes at Yellowknife airport.
The 70 minute DVD continues with lots of footage from the passenger cabin which includes pre flight safety demonstrations, in-flight service, and interviews with the flight attendants, and even a humorous visit to the company’s dispatch office in Yellowknife. NWT Air had no shortage of colourful employees!
Lots of exterior footage of NWT Air Boeing 737-200 action is also featured on this DVD, mostly filmed in Yellowknife, with engine starts, taxi sequences, and take-offs. You’ll see fleet numbers 661 and 662 (C-GNWN and C-GNWI) as well as the leased Polaris basic model 737, the old 1969 build former Pacific Western 737-275C N331XV, which was known as 663 at NWT Air. It was also humorously referred to as the “J” model 737, for reasons explained on the DVD.
Any lover of the 737-200 classics will find this DVD very interesting, as it serves up an enjoyable mix of cockpit, cabin and exterior action footage, and is complemented with a nice amount of “real people” footage. We’ve even included a nice surprise party scene when a long serving Captain was recognized for his service to the company. This DVD provides a wonderful look back to the mid 1990s when NWT Air and the Boeing 737-200 were top of their game.
This DVD was produced using compact low environmental impact packaging.
DVD Programs
Chapter 2) 737-275C N331XV air-to-air
Chapter 3) Queen’s visit to Rankin Inlet AUG 22/94
Chapter 4) Flightdeck ride YEG-YYC APR 9/93
Chapter 5) Flightdeck ride YZF-YEG FEB 13/93
Chapter 6) Flightdeck ride YEG-YYC FEB 13/93
Chapter 7) N331XV exterior footage YZF summer ’93
Chapter 8) Flightdeck ride YZF-YEG FEB 19/94
Chapter 9) Flightdeck ride YEG-YYC FEB 19/94
Chapter 10) NWT Air dispatch office YZF
Chapter 11) Cabin YZF-YEG JAN 13/96
Chapter 12) Flightdeck YEG-YYC JAN 13/96
Chapter 13) Flightdeck landing YYC JAN 13/96
Chapter 14) Captain 20 Years service
Total running time: 70 minutes
This DVD is available in NTSC region-free format which will work on all current European DVD players.

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