Product Description
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This is a four DVD multi-set specially for the IL18 connoisseur filmed by Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara.
According to Steve Kinder, this DVD program is a “treasured memory of the last international charter flight of IL-18 ER-ICB in September, 2010 from Chisinau in Moldova to Zhuliani in the Ukraine, flying onto Marculesti in Moldova.”
With many thanks to the passengers from nine countries and Vladimir and his crew for a truly memorable experience. It is now even more memorable as this IL-18 no longer carries passengers. A truly historic event forever captured on DVD.
This DVD set takes the viewer along for this amazing trip with most of the footage (take-offs and landings) filmed in the passenger cabin. There are some visits to the flight-deck while in flight, but all landings and take-offs were filmed through the passenger windows showing the mighty Ivechenko engines doing their job, with the fabulous sounds that fill the passenger cabin!
Over the course of the four DVDs Daniel’s video camera gives us an in-depth tour inflight as well as on the ground of this amazing aircraft, which is one of the last of its type to carry passengers. At the very end, we savour a high-speed flypast at Chisinau airport, low on the deck, filmed by Daniel out the window with wing view!
For lovers of Russian built aircraft, this four hour DVD multi-set is pure heaven! The amazing sights and sounds of flying this amazing aircraft are forever documented for future generations of aviation fans!.
Four DVD Multi-Set
Air Company Grixona IL-18 ER-ICB SEP 18 2010
DVD 1) (54 minutes)
Ground footage Chisinau and flight Chisinau – Kiev (Zhuliani)
DVD 2) (65 minutes)
Chisinau – Kiev flight continued / ER-ICB on ground
DVD 3) (66 minutes)
Kiev – Marculesti Air Base
DVD 4) (52 minutes)
Marculesti – Chisinau including flypast at Chisinau
Total running time of: 237 minutes
16X9 widescreen format
This DVD is available in NTSC region-free format which will work on all current European DVD players.

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