Product Description
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At the start of the 21st century, the world’s biggest operator of 1950s generation propliner aircraft is none other than Buffalo Airways, based in Yellowknife, in Canada’s remote Northwest Territories.
Owned by NWT aviation entrepreneur Joe McBryan, Buffalo Airways operates an impressive fleet of cargo DC4s, DC3s, Curtiss C46 Commandos, and firefighter PBY Cansos. The Douglas and Curtis propliners earn their keep hauling cargo from Yellowknife to remote communities and mining camps across Canada’s Arctic.
Over the past three decades, Joe has built up his company from a small, light aircraft operation to one of the largest privately owned aircraft fleets in Canada. This DVD program will allow you to experience the flights of a lifetime! We’re serving up a generous sampling of Buffalo Airways’ fleet activities on for the most discerning of propliner fans.
In this propliner DVD celibration, join airline videographer Henry Tenby aboard Buffalo’s DC3 and DC4 aircraft as they earn their keep doing what they know best: hauling cargo in some of the harshest conditions on the planet, under the command of some of the finest pilots to be found anywhere! We also take you along for several air-to-air photo sorties but you’ll need a seatbelt as this kind of work is not for the faint of heart!
DVD Programs
Salamida Diamond Exploration Oct/93
Buffalo DC4 trip Yellowknife-Pelly Bay-Yellowknife June 12/93
Buffalo Airways C46 C-GTPO Air-to-Air May 8/94
Buffalo Airways Canso C-FPQM Air-to-Air July 27/96
Buffalo Airways Canso C-FOFI Air-to-Air Aug 11/96
Buffalo Airways DC3 trip Yellowknife-Devries Lake Jan 14/93
Buffalo Airways DC-3 C-FLFR Air-to-Air July 27/96
Total running time: 101 minutes
This DVD is available in NTSC region-free format (which will work on all current European DVD players).

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