Henry Tenby Blog – Henry Tenby – Aviation Fan – Worldwide Operations https://www.henrytenby.com The latest aviation and internet business news from Henry Tenby Wed, 12 Mar 2025 18:04:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.10 Koh Samui Thailand December 2019 with Henry Tenby https://www.henrytenby.com/koh-samui-thailand-december-2019-with-henry-tenby/ Thu, 09 Nov 2023 21:59:47 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=9188 Koh Samui Thailand December 2019 with Henry Tenby

Phuket and Patong Beach Thailand and Night Market November 2019 with Henry Tenby https://www.henrytenby.com/phuket-and-patong-beach-thailand-and-night-market-november-2019-with-henry-tenby/ Thu, 09 Nov 2023 21:54:20 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=9185 Phuket and Patong Beach Thailand and Night Market November 2019 with Henry Tenby

Visit to Barbados June 2016 with Henry Tenby https://www.henrytenby.com/visit-to-barbados-june-2016-with-henry-tenby/ Thu, 09 Nov 2023 21:47:59 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=9182 Visit to Barbados June 2016 with Henry Tenby

Tokyo 2015 Shinjuku nightlife and conveyer belt sushi with Henry Tenby https://www.henrytenby.com/tokyo-2015-shinjuku-nightlife-and-conveyer-belt-sushi-with-henry-tenby/ Thu, 09 Nov 2023 21:42:41 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=9178 Tokyo 2015 Shinjuku nightlife and conveyer belt sushi with Henry Tenby

Dr. Lionel Tenby 90th Birthday Family Dinner at Golden Ocean https://www.henrytenby.com/dr-lionel-tenby-90th-birthday-family-dinner-at-golden-ocean/ Mon, 16 May 2022 20:41:10 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=8912 This year 2022 my father Dr. Lionel Tenby celebrated his 90th birthday! With me, Jossie and Joan, and Dr. Virgil and Tatiana we all went to Golden Ocean Chinese restaurant to mark this milestone birthday.

London 2015 – Dr. Lionel Tenby Bar Mitzvah Number 2 https://www.henrytenby.com/london-2015-dr-lionel-tenby-bar-mitzvah-number-2/ Mon, 21 Mar 2022 02:33:22 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=8892

In April of 2015, I travelled to London to be with my father and his London family to mark the special occasion of his second Bar Mitzvah. After his Bar Mitzvah at the synagogue Aunty Brenda held a very nice reception at her home and many of the London family members were in attendance.

London 2012 Visit Dr. Lionel Tenby, Henry Tenby and Colman Hyman – family history https://www.henrytenby.com/london-2012-visit-dr-lionel-tenby-henry-tenby-and-colman-hyman-family-history/ Mon, 21 Mar 2022 01:52:33 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=8887

An interesting video from 2012, filmed by Henry Tenby during my visit with my Dad to London. Uncle Colman took us his war time home and explains how his family home narrowly missed destruction from a German whistling bomb that bounced off the chimney stack and killed 22 people in an adjacent structure during the London Blitz of 1940-41. Luckily Uncle Colman’s family were all in an air raid shelter during the attack. (Jack and Trixie were married in this home in 1935).

When then visit 92 Woolworth Road at Elephant and Castle where my Dad first practiced medicine in 1956, this was his father’s office location. My Dad only practiced medicine here for a year or so before he moved to Canada, but he tried unsuccessfully to give the practice to his cousin Basil, but the British medical authorities would not allow the transfer. The video then goes to 45 Woodward Road in Dulwich which was my father’s family home in the past war years while he and my Uncle Stephen were attending grade school at the nearby Dulwich College.

Lastly, my dad took me to the location of his family home during the war years, and explains the home was destroyed by German bomb during a weekend when thank goodness nobody was in the home. My father, Uncle Stephen and Grandmother were sent to Cleveleys near Blackpool to be safer during the war. My Grandfather, Henry Tenby, stayed in London to work as a doctor and care for the sick and injured as his services were needed there during the war year years.

Les Trois-Ilets & L’Anse Mitan plage – Martinique avec Henry Tenby June 2019 https://www.henrytenby.com/les-trois-ilets-lanse-mitan-plage-martinique-avec-henry-tenby-june-2019/ https://www.henrytenby.com/les-trois-ilets-lanse-mitan-plage-martinique-avec-henry-tenby-june-2019/#respond Sun, 31 Jan 2021 21:41:55 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=8326 During last two weeks of June in 2019, we vacationed in beautiful Martinique in Les Trois-Ilets where we enjoyed the magnificent L’Anse Mitan every single day. The videos below tell the whole story in images, and this must be considered as one of our favourite destinations in the Caribbean.

https://www.henrytenby.com/les-trois-ilets-lanse-mitan-plage-martinique-avec-henry-tenby-june-2019/feed/ 0
Henry Tenby Family Videos – summer 1994 https://www.henrytenby.com/henry-tenby-family-videos-summer-1994/ Tue, 02 Jun 2020 16:21:51 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=6877 SUMMER IN VANCOUVER 1994 WITH HENRY TENBY AND HIS FAMILY

In this video I filmed we see my patents Lionel Tenby and Dale Tenby, my sister Marla Tenby, and my Bubba Lilly Debrofosky who was visiting here that summer. They are great memories for me!

I Videotaped Much of the Queen’s 1994 Visit to Canada’s Northwest Territories https://www.henrytenby.com/i-videotaped-much-of-the-queens-1994-visit-to-canadas-northwest-territories/ https://www.henrytenby.com/i-videotaped-much-of-the-queens-1994-visit-to-canadas-northwest-territories/#respond Wed, 22 Apr 2020 21:16:11 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=6622 Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh arrive at Rankin Inlet, NWT in Canada's North as video reported by Henry Tenby on August 22, 1994.

Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh arrive at Rankin Inlet, NWT in Canada’s North as video reported by Henry Tenby on August 22, 1994.

Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh arrive at Yellowknife, NWT in Canada's North as video reported by Henry Tenby on August 19, 1994.

Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh arrive at Yellowknife, NWT in Canada’s North as video reported by Henry Tenby on August 19, 1994.

(SEE BELOW FOR VIDEO PREVIEWS) – In August of 1994, The Queen and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh paid a multi day visit to Canada’s Northwest Territories, after her official opening of the Commonwealth Games in Victoria. Much of the visit was video documented by aviation videographer Henry Tenby (JetFlix TV founder) who lived uo in Yellowknife at the time whilst employed by NWT Air.

On this trip the Queen’s first place of visit up North was her August 19, 1994 arrival at the Territorial Capital of Yellowknife on the shores of the Great Slave Lake. She was flown between Victoria, BC and Yellowknife aboard a Canadian Armed Forces Airbus A310. Henry Tenby was on hand for her airport arrival and he filmed the entire proceedings. She also paid a visit to the Legislature building which was also video taped.

Crowd at Yellowknife airport greet the Queen's arrival from opening the Commonwealth Games in Victoria on August 19, 1994, as video documented by Henry Tenby.

Crowds at Yellowknife airport greet the Queen’s arrival from opening the Commonwealth Games in Victoria on August 19, 1994, as video documented by Henry Tenby.

Then on August 22, 1994, the Queen was flown from Yellowknife to Rankin Inlet on on to Iqaluit on a specially chartered NWT Air Boeing 737-210C. Henry Tenby was on hand in Rankin Inlet to film her arrival at the Rankin Inlet airport where the whole town showed up to welcome her arrival.

Both the Queen’s Yellowknife visit and her Rankin Inlet visit are unique documentations of historic events filmed by Henry Tenby and these shows stream in their entirety at JetFlix TV.

Below we are pleased to present some teaser videos. You can join JetFlix TV here for less than the cost of a Starbucks coffee.

https://www.henrytenby.com/i-videotaped-much-of-the-queens-1994-visit-to-canadas-northwest-territories/feed/ 0
ScriptReel Video Caption promotion software – THIEVES !!!!!! DO NOT PURCHASE!!!!! https://www.henrytenby.com/scriptreel-video-caption-promotion-software-thieves-do-not-purchase/ https://www.henrytenby.com/scriptreel-video-caption-promotion-software-thieves-do-not-purchase/#respond Tue, 07 Apr 2020 01:00:58 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=6614 SriptReel - THIEVES !!!!!! DO NOT PURCHASE!!!!!

SriptReel – THIEVES !!!!!! DO NOT PURCHASE!!!!!

SHAME on Warrior forum for pushing this service for Warrior Forum Members. I am extremely upset and angry at what has happened and want to warn all other members NOT to purchase this!!!!!!

To think that Warrior Forum endorsed this is sickening my stomach.

I received a promotional email from Warrior Forum promoting this caption creation software for videos.

So I purchased the $27 commercial version of the service. And in my mind I was wondering just how they were going to make it 100% useless to extract even more money from a user … and let me explain.

For $27 they will only allow to upload a video file no larger than 300mb. Which is about a 5 minute video for a 1920X1080 mp4 file. EVEN THOUGH THEIR PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL SAYS “use video up to 20 minutes” … COMPLETELY DECEPTIVE!!!! AND UNTRUE!!!!!

SriptReel - THIEVES !!!!!! DO NOT PURCHASE!!!!!


So they got my $27, and I will never use their service again. And I sure as hell will not pay them a single extra penny. But I think Warrior Forum should be ashamed of themselves for pushing this underhanded sales practice out to us members. Total BS!!!!!

https://www.henrytenby.com/scriptreel-video-caption-promotion-software-thieves-do-not-purchase/feed/ 0
Vancouver’s Vibrant Neon Filled Downtown and Theatre District in Colour Circa 1953-1955 https://www.henrytenby.com/vancouvers-vibrant-neon-filled-downtown-and-theatre-district-in-colour-circa-1953-1955/ https://www.henrytenby.com/vancouvers-vibrant-neon-filled-downtown-and-theatre-district-in-colour-circa-1953-1955/#respond Sat, 31 Aug 2019 04:43:52 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=6056 Granville Street Vancouver BC circa 1954. Photo was taken looking north in the heart of the city's theatre district with numerous neon signs. This street is the main street of Vancouver and extends from West 70th near the airport, all the way to the wharf, a length of 10 miles. (Colour photo courtesy of Canadian Pacific Railway, post card published by Vancouver Magazine Services LTD.)

Granville Street Vancouver BC circa 1954. Photo was taken looking north in the heart of the city’s theatre district with numerous neon signs. This street is the main street of Vancouver and extends from West 70th near the airport, all the way to the wharf, a length of 10 miles. (Colour photo courtesy of Canadian Pacific Railway, post card published by Vancouver Magazine Services LTD.)

I recently stumbled across a small collection of old colour postcards I collected decades ago, depicting Vancouver’s vibrant theatre district of Granville Street and all the neon signed movie theatres of the day. From the movies in the theatre marquis, we can date the views to the period between 1953 and 1955.

It really was amazing just how many movie theatres dotted this prime real estate of the day. None of the theatres exist in their original form of showing feature films, but some lasted into the 1980s. The postcards show the Vogue, Orpheum, Capitol, Paradise and Plaza screens, with fabulous 1950s vehicles and brill buses, which remained in service with BC Hydro also until the mid 1980s.

Some of cards also show the north end of Burrard Street and the Vancouver Harbour, Coal Harbour, and the then prominent Marine Building, which was mentioned as the tallest building in the city on the caption of one of the cards. These images were probably taken from the higher floors of the Hotel Vancouver at Burrard and Georgia. The BC Electic building was built in the mid 1950s and displaced the Marine Building as the tallest building in the city.

The cards were published by several long defunct picture postcard publishers based in Vancouver, including Vancouver Magazine Services, Natural Color Productions, The Coast Publishing Company, Walker & Ward Scenic Cards and Grant-Mann Lithographers. I hope you enjoy these vintage views as much as I have over the decades of owning these postcards.

As a side note, I am a collector of old colour slides from the 1960s, 1950s and earlier. If you have any old 35mm colour slides, please do not thrown them away. I would be happy to preserve them for future generations, and can even supply you with scans of the best view with my compliments. So please contact me. I am specially interested in slides of aircraft taken in the 1950s and 1960s.

A bird's eye view of Vancouver, BC looking north from the B.C. Electric Building, showing a portion of the downtown skyline. Vancouver Harbour and the North Shore Mountains in the background. (Plastichrome, Published by Natural Colour Productions Ltd., Vancouver, BC)

A bird’s eye view of Vancouver, BC looking north from the B.C. Electric Building, showing a portion of the downtown skyline. Vancouver Harbour and the North Shore Mountains in the background. (Plastichrome, Published by Natural Colour Productions Ltd., Vancouver, BC)

Vancouver, BC, Canada waterfront view at dusk circa 1954. (Kodachrome postcard published by The Coast Publishing Company, Vancouver, BC)

Vancouver, BC, Canada waterfront view at dusk circa 1954. (Kodachrome postcard published by The Coast Publishing Company, Vancouver, BC)

Granville Street Vogue and Orpheum Theatres circa 1954. Granville is Vancouver's busiest and most colourful street, showing the heart of the city's vibrant theatre district, with its numerous neon signs. (Grant-Mann Lithographers LTD "COLOR CARD" division, Vancouver, BC)

Granville Street Vogue and Orpheum Theatres circa 1954. Granville is Vancouver’s busiest and most colourful street, showing the heart of the city’s vibrant theatre district, with its numerous neon signs. (Grant-Mann Lithographers LTD “COLOR CARD” division, Vancouver, BC)

Night scene of Vancouver, BC, Canada, showing a portion of the theatre district. Vancouver is known for its high concentration of neon in the downtown area. We can date this image to 1955, the year the film "Above Us the Waves" staring John Mills was released theatrically. (Postcard published by Vancouver Magazine Services LTD., Vancouver, BC)

Night scene of Vancouver, BC, Canada, showing a portion of the theatre district. Vancouver is known for its high concentration of neon in the downtown area. We can date this image to 1955, the year the film “Above Us the Waves” staring John Mills was released theatrically. (Postcard published by Vancouver Magazine Services LTD., Vancouver, BC)

Granville Street looking south from Georgia with the Capitol Theatre, Famous Players theatre, Parades Theatre and the Plaza Theatre. We can date this view to 1953, the year of theatrical release of "Sea of Lost Ships" starring John Derek and Wanda Hendrix. (Published by Walker & Ward Scenic Cards LTD., Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Granville Street looking south from Georgia with the Capitol Theatre, Famous Players theatre, Parades Theatre and the Plaza Theatre. We can date this view to 1953, the year of theatrical release of “Sea of Lost Ships” starring John Derek and Wanda Hendrix. (Published by Walker & Ward Scenic Cards LTD., Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Hotel Vancouver scenic view circa 1954, along with a section of downtown showing the Court House Square, Vancouver Harbour, North Vancouver and the North Shore mountains. (Postcard published by Natural Color Productions Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.)

Hotel Vancouver scenic view circa 1954, along with a section of downtown showing the Court House Square, Vancouver Harbour, North Vancouver and the North Shore mountains. (Postcard published by Natural Color Productions Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.)

Dusk view of Granville Street looking south and the then new BC Electric Building circa mid 1950s. The BC Electric building was the new head office for the Vancouver based electric utility company in a modern 21 story, 285 foot high structure. (Rolly Ford photo, postcard published by Natural Color Productions LTD., Vancouver, B.C.)

Dusk view of Granville Street looking south and the then new BC Electric Building circa mid 1950s. The BC Electric building was the new head office for the Vancouver based electric utility company in a modern 21 story, 285 foot high structure. (Rolly Ford photo, postcard published by Natural Color Productions LTD., Vancouver, B.C.)

Mid 1950s aerial view of Vancouver BC and Harbour, showing the busy West Georgia Street running east to west with the then new Post Office building in the lower right corner. (Postcard published by Natural Color Productions Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.)

Mid 1950s aerial view of Vancouver BC and Harbour, showing the busy West Georgia Street running east to west with the then new Post Office building in the lower right corner. (Postcard published by Natural Color Productions Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.)

The Customs and Marine Building on the waterfront at the north end of Vancouver's Burrard Street, stands majestic against the city's vibrant harbour. Notice how empty the now traffic clogged Burrard street was in the mid 1950s! According to the caption on the back of the card "The North Shoreline Mountains are snow-covered most of the year and form excellent skiing grounds. Two electric ski lifts make this ski playground famed throughout the Northwest." (Postcard published by Vancouver Magazine Services LTD., Vancouver, B.C.)

The Customs and Marine Building on the waterfront at the north end of Vancouver’s Burrard Street, stands majestic against the city’s vibrant harbour. Notice how empty the now traffic clogged Burrard street was in the mid 1950s! According to the caption on the back of the card “The North Shoreline Mountains are snow-covered most of the year and form excellent skiing grounds. Two electric ski lifts make this ski playground famed throughout the Northwest.” (Postcard published by Vancouver Magazine Services LTD., Vancouver, B.C.)

Another view of the Customs and Marine Building on the waterfront at the north end of Vancouver's Burrard Street, with the YMCA in the lower right of the image. Notice all the available ground level parking lots that were available back then. (Kodachrome Postcard published by The Coast Publishing Company, Vancouver, Canada.)

Another view of the Customs and Marine Building on the waterfront at the north end of Vancouver’s Burrard Street, with the YMCA in the lower right of the image. Notice all the available ground level parking lots that were available back then. (Kodachrome Postcard published by The Coast Publishing Company, Vancouver, Canada.)

Vancouver Waterfront Coal Harbour as viewed from Stanley park circa 1954. In the foreground are boats belonging to the Burrard Yacht Club. In the background can be seen the prominent Marine Building, the then tallest building in Vancouver. (Postcard published by Vancouver Magazine Services LTD., Vancouver, B.C.)

Vancouver Waterfront Coal Harbour as viewed from Stanley park circa 1954. In the foreground are boats belonging to the Burrard Yacht Club. In the background can be seen the prominent Marine Building, the then tallest building in Vancouver. (Postcard published by Vancouver Magazine Services LTD., Vancouver, B.C.)

https://www.henrytenby.com/vancouvers-vibrant-neon-filled-downtown-and-theatre-district-in-colour-circa-1953-1955/feed/ 0
Amazing Visit to the Ancient Ruins at Ephesus Turkey September 2018 https://www.henrytenby.com/amazing-visit-to-the-ancient-ruins-at-ephesus-turkey-september-2018/ Wed, 26 Sep 2018 16:55:18 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=5441 REPORT BY HENRY TENBY

In September of 2018, we had pleasure to visit the ancient city of Ephesus in the Izmir Aegean region of Turkey. We did it as a full day trip from Cesme which is where we were staying for our 5 day mini holiday. As we had a rental car it was about an hour and half drive from our hotel in Cesme to the Ephesus visitors parking lot. As it was mid September, it was still plenty hot, probably in the low to mid 30s, but a lot less punishing than mid summer temperatures.

Let me me say that you need to plan a full day trip to visit Ephesus. We arrived around 1100 am, and it was 5 pm by the time we were back in our car heading back to our hotel in Cesme. I should add that we also did a side visit to the nearby Virgin Mary’s home, which was also worth visiting and very interesting.

As for Ephesus, what can I say: it was nothing short of amazing as you can see from the two videos posted below. I have been Pompei, which was also interesting, but the extend of the ruins at Ephesus is far greater than Pompeii, reason being the Pompeii was destroyed in a volcano and Ephesus was not. That said, the extent of the ancient city that you can stroll through is a memory of a lifetime. You can walk on the same cobbled streets thats Mark Anthony and Cleopatra walked on, and a visit to the terraced houses is a must. It costs a few dollars extra and as shown in my video, it as an amazing view of how inhabitants lived in their homes in ancient times some 2000 plus years ago.

The theatre, colosseum and of course the library are major highlights of Ephesus. We really took our time from start to end of our self guided walking tour of the city, and it took us several hours. I would not want to be there with a tight time schedule as you really need the time freedom to enjoy your visit at your total leisure.

In my video I stand to be corrected. I state that ancient Greek inscriptions date from the pre-Roman Greek era pre Chris. This is not correct. Rather, during Roman control of the city 2000 years ago and in the first and second centuries, Ephesus was actually a bilingual city where both Latin and Greek were spoken by the population. And for this reason, we see both Latin and Greek written characters on various ruins of the period. In conclusion, I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Ephesus and look forward to seeing other ancient ruins that Turkey has to offer on both the Aegean region and the Mediterranean region in the coming years.

Visit to Bermuda June 2018 on Celebrity Summit Cruise https://www.henrytenby.com/visit-to-bermuda-june-2018-on-celebrity-summit-cruise/ Wed, 26 Sep 2018 16:23:58 +0000 https://www.henrytenby.com/?p=5432 REPORTED BY HENRY TENBY

During the latter part of June, 2018, we took the Celebrity Summit 10 day cruise to Bermuda and New England, and we had a superb holiday. The video on this page presents our visit to Bermuda. The cruise departed and returned to Bayonne, NJ, which is just across the river from Manhattan so we flew in a few days early to enjoy some time in New York City before the cruise.

For me, our three days in Bermuda was the highlight of the holiday. Bermuda is a very expensive destination, and right now, we are not in a financial position to visit Bermuda as a sole destination for the very reason that it is so costly. The only way we could afford a visit to Bermuda was aboard a cruise ship, which had been on our bucket list for several years.

We basically spent our time in Bermuda exploring the Island. On day one we visited the Northern part of Bermuda enjoying Tobacco Bay Beach, and St. Catherines Beach, of which I much preferred the latter as you will see in the video. And on day two we visit several very beautiful beaches on the east side of the island not too far from the cruise ship terminal at the Royal Docklands. Swimming with Parot Fish was an amazing experience.

The morning of our third day we visited Snorkel Park beach which is right at the Royal Docklands area and a few minutes stroll from the ship, so it made the perfect end to our Bermuda. We spent the morning swimming at Snorkel Beach park we enjoyed it very much, and highly recommend it.

Tenby Family Film in Colour London 1939 – Lionel and Stephen, Fanny and Henry https://www.henrytenby.com/tenby-family-film-in-colour-london-1939-lionel-stephen-fanny-and-henry/ Tue, 13 Mar 2018 19:35:51 +0000 http://www.henrytenby.com/?p=5407 Lionel Tenby and mother Fanny Tenby London 1939This amazing colour kodachrome film is a family treasure and was shot in London circa 1939 by Uncle Sydney.

It opens with toddler Lionel Tenby (my father … born 1932) enjoying a drink and bite to eat in a London park. Followed by feeding of ducks in a pond. This could be Regents Park or Hyde Park.

The second segment is a black and white film that features more of (my father) Lionel and his mother Fanny (my grandmother) and we are introduced to infant Stephen Tenby (my Uncle .. born 1937).

Thus, this portion of film might date from 1937 or 1938. It is a real gem to see my Dad and Uncle’s father Dr. Henry Tenby in his car towards the end of the film. Just fabulous! (This film was uploaded by Henry Tenby, son of Lionel Tenby, and the film is in the possession of Stephen Tenby, who had it digitized).
