Koh Samui Thailand December 2019 with Henry Tenby
Koh Samui Thailand December 2019 with Henry Tenby

Koh Samui Thailand December 2019 with Henry Tenby
Phuket and Patong Beach Thailand and Night Market November 2019 with Henry Tenby
Visit to Barbados June 2016 with Henry Tenby
Tokyo 2015 Shinjuku nightlife and conveyer belt sushi with Henry Tenby
This year 2022 my father Dr. Lionel Tenby celebrated his 90th birthday! With me, Jossie and Joan, and Dr. Virgil and Tatiana we all went to Golden Ocean Chinese restaurant to mark this milestone birthday.
In April of 2015, I travelled to London to be with my father and his London family to mark the special occasion of his second Bar Mitzvah. After his Bar Mitzvah at the synagogue Aunty Brenda held a very nice reception at her home and many of the London family members were in attendance.
An interesting video from 2012, filmed by Henry Tenby during my visit with my Dad to London. Uncle Colman took us his war time home and explains how his family home narrowly missed destruction from a German whistling bomb that bounced off the chimney stack and killed 22 people in an adjacent structure during the […]
During last two weeks of June in 2019, we vacationed in beautiful Martinique in Les Trois-Ilets where we enjoyed the magnificent L’Anse Mitan every single day. The videos below tell the whole story in images, and this must be considered as one of our favourite destinations in the Caribbean.
SUMMER IN VANCOUVER 1994 WITH HENRY TENBY AND HIS FAMILY In this video I filmed we see my patents Lionel Tenby and Dale Tenby, my sister Marla Tenby, and my Bubba Lilly Debrofosky who was visiting here that summer. They are great memories for me!
(SEE BELOW FOR VIDEO PREVIEWS) – In August of 1994, The Queen and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh paid a multi day visit to Canada’s Northwest Territories, after her official opening of the Commonwealth Games in Victoria. Much of the visit was video documented by aviation videographer Henry Tenby (JetFlix TV founder) who lived […]
SHAME on Warrior forum for pushing this service for Warrior Forum Members. I am extremely upset and angry at what has happened and want to warn all other members NOT to purchase this!!!!!! To think that Warrior Forum endorsed this is sickening my stomach. I received a promotional email from Warrior Forum promoting this caption […]
I recently stumbled across a small collection of old colour postcards I collected decades ago, depicting Vancouver’s vibrant theatre district of Granville Street and all the neon signed movie theatres of the day. From the movies in the theatre marquis, we can date the views to the period between 1953 and 1955. It really was […]
REPORT BY HENRY TENBY In September of 2018, we had pleasure to visit the ancient city of Ephesus in the Izmir Aegean region of Turkey. We did it as a full day trip from Cesme which is where we were staying for our 5 day mini holiday. As we had a rental car it was […]
REPORTED BY HENRY TENBY During the latter part of June, 2018, we took the Celebrity Summit 10 day cruise to Bermuda and New England, and we had a superb holiday. The video on this page presents our visit to Bermuda. The cruise departed and returned to Bayonne, NJ, which is just across the river from […]
This amazing colour kodachrome film is a family treasure and was shot in London circa 1939 by Uncle Sydney. It opens with toddler Lionel Tenby (my father … born 1932) enjoying a drink and bite to eat in a London park. Followed by feeding of ducks in a pond. This could be Regents Park or […]