Air Travel Time Machine | Kodachrome Memories 1942-1960 288 pages all colour book by Henry Tenby

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Air Travel Time Machine | Kodachrome Memories 1962-1960

Air Travel Time Machine | Kodachrome Memories 1962-1960 A4 size 288 pages all colour with over 600 colour images by Henry Tenby:

The author has made it one of his life missions to assemble a growing collection of unique and fascinating Kodachrome images created in the mid of the last century, that were spontaneous photographic captures of every day air travels, at a time when the vast majority of the population were still travelling this great world by ocean liner.

The 288 all colour pages that are presented in this lavishly presented hard cover volume will offer a look back to an era where people travelled in style to the four corners of the globe by modes of air transport that were very much still in their infancy. Pay close attention to the small details that lurk in the backgrounds of the pictures of the pages that follow, and you will revel in amazement of how good things were on this planet so many decades ago.

Between the close of World War II and 1960, air travel went from the piston banger era to the jet age. This was a short period of barely 15 years. Between 1960, and the publication date of this book 2024, some 64 years have passed. Although commercial aircraft have become somewhat larger, there have been no real advancements in air travel technology that can compare to those after the post World War II era covered in this volume.

Dear reader, it is hoped that you will sincerely enjoy this fascinating time machine look back to the early days of postwar air travel, as much as the author enjoyed compiling this fascinating archive over the past 30 years. Thank you for your support in purchasing this book. It is the author’s sincerest wish that you may always travel in comfort and safety, and enjoy the decency and respect of your fellow passengers.

Reader Testimonials
(Please let me know what you think of the book so I can add your testimonial here.)

The book arrived yesterday. It’s a masterpiece! No sooner had I opened the package than nearly three hours vanished – I really was that engrossed! And the photography is spectacular. I can barely guess at the number of hours you must have put in to come up with such a high-quality selection. It’s surely unique in its revelation of the vernacular aspect of air travel, with people really interacting with what’s going on. I love it! A very original perspective on which to focus – one which I don’t recall seeing before (and I’ve got a pretty large commercial aviation library). It contributes a huge amount of necessary information to the record of airline history and evolution. I really didn’t mean to write an essay about it – but I’m simply overwhelmed by nostalgia! Seriously, I think the sheer authenticity of the view is what grabbed me. I also note, to my personal satisfaction, that Stratocruisers are thoroughly well-represented! Henry, congratulations on a masterful piece of no doubt very hard work. Thank you for making all this material available. I’m very much looking forward to the next volumes. All the best – and bravo!
Robin Dunn

Just received your book. What a feast for the eyes! I’ve always wanted an aeroplane book just like this. Not just boring views of aeroplanes, but living witnesses to a bygone era. I’m already looking forward to the next editions.
Best wishes from Switzerland!
Peter Guenthard

What a wonderful book! Absolutely stunning…I have been an aircraft mechanic all my life, starting in the Air Force, Corporate, and then Republic, Northwest airlines. Now retired but have seen a lot of aviation books in my life and this one tops the list!!! I Can’t wait for volume 2! Please put me on the list. Thank’s again for your efforts.
Mark Bohlke

I received you book today. That is the nicest book on classic aviation I have ever seen.
Mario Biondi

I received the book yesterday. A fabulous page-turning experience has begun. I had not realized there would be so much content.
I like that it states that this is Volume 1 — more to come.
Joanne Hogan

WOW!….BEAUTIFUL book, love it! The quality is outstanding. WW2, 50’s and 60’s are the years of aviation development that I enjoy the most.
Is there a “Volume Two” in work?
Robert Badialdi

I would like to express my joy and delight having purchased the “Air Travel Time Machine – volume 1”. It is a thrill to turn each and every page and the quality of reproduction of all those wonderful Kodachromes is remarkable. It must have given you great pleasure to assemble so many images from an era when black & white film still ruled in the UK. I have recommended the book to several friends, who I am sure will be ordering copies too.
Tony Merton Jones

Henry, I just bought this for my dad for his birthday and it’s a phenomenal book. Just fantastic. Love the personal notes you provide throughout and the photos are simply amazing!
Brad Snelling

The book is absolutely beautiful! My first flight was on a TWA 749 from Los Angeles to Philadelphia in 1948 (5 years old). I have been hooked on aviation ever since. I enjoyed many flights during the “Golden Age”. My home library has an extensive aviation catalogue and your book will enjoy a top spot. Thank you.
Harvey Stein

I just received your latest book, Air Travel Time Machine. From my Initial quick review, it’s absolutely incredible. Makes me wish I had kept all my early photos and sides. Too late now.
Richard Schindler

What a magnificent volume! Barely had a chance to glance at it so far, but I know I will spend many happy hours poring over it. Thanks so much!!
Karl Juelch

Breathtaking is how I rate your book. I have a substantial collection of transport category aircraft and your book rates in the tops! Very well done and the format is perfect. I have a second book coming for my father and I cannot wait for it to arrive as he will get a bigger thrill because it was his era of inspiration to be an airline pilot. If you want my second opinion, perfect!
Michael Steiger

The book arrived today and I couldn’t put it down! Thank you very much for doing this, it was great to see. Well worth the wait. Sign me up for Volume 2 and 3, I can’t wait;- as a kid I did a lot of flying around the world in the 1970s, I would love to see some of the same type of pictures from that era, it would bring back a lot of memories. Thanks again for a fantastic book; I very much enjoyed it; – keep up the good work!
Marc Bink

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