Henry Tenby has honed his skills as an air-to-air photographer over the past 30 years, and has photographed numerous commercial aircraft inflight ranging from helicopters, Beavers and Otters, to Boeing 737, Hercules, Electra and Boeing 720 aircraft. And of course many more.
Having done inflight photo work for numerous airlines in Canada, and abroad, as well as for the Canadian military and industry, Henry Tenby offers an impressive resume of experience. He is a published author in this domain, and his photo book “Air-to-Air: Ultimate Airline Photography” has won the praise and critical acclaim of many reviewers and experts in the field.
If you are looking for the ultimate professional for your air-to-air photographic needs, you might as well hire the photographer who has written the book on the subject.
Feel free to contact Henry Tenby at Tel 604-737-9996 to discuss your photo shoot. A very small sampling of his work is provided below.

Honeywell Boeing 720 inflight near Grand Canyon Feb 2007 by Henry Tenby. Taken from a Sabreliner.

zip Boeing 737-200 C-GCPP in flight over Blaine, WA taken by Henry Tenby.

Westex Fokker F27 C-GWXD air-to-air near Grouse Mountain, BC, taken by Henry Tenby in Spring 1999.

Walstern Air Service DHC-2 Beaver C-FMAQ in flight near Kenora photo by Henry Tenby, summer 1994.

AIr Tindi Turbo Otter C-FXUY in flight over Yellowknife Spring 1994, photo by Henry Tenby.

Wagair Beech 99 C-FWAD air-to-air over Grouse Mountain photo by Henry Tenby.

Pacific Coastal Airlines Beech King Air C-GPCB inflight over coastal BC, photo by Henry Tenby.

Great Bear Aviation Beech 18 C-FWWV in flight photo near Yellowknife, 1994 by Henry Tenby.

Echo Bay Mines’ Boeing 727-100 C-FPXD inflight over Great Slave Lake near Yellowknife, photo by Henry Tenby.

Avianca Colombia Fokker F50 inflight over Calgary by Henry Tenby.

Westex HS748 air-to-air over North Vancouver, Spring 1999, by Henry Tenby.

Plummers Lodges DC-3 air-to-air near Yellowknife summer 19993 by Henry Tenby.

Lutheran Air Ministry Pilots Association Cessna 337 C-GKEY inflight near Yellowknife , Fall 1992, by Henry Tenby

Buffalo Airways DC-4 C-FIQM inflight near Yellowknife September 1992, by Henry Tenby.

NWT Air Boeing 737-210C C-GNWI inflight west of Yellowknife, fall 1992, by Henry Tenby.

First Air HS748 C-GDUN inflight over Yellowknife September 1992 by Henry Tenby.

Air Tindi Piper Navajo C-FXOQ inflight over frozen Yellowknife winter 1993 by Henry Tenby.

Reeve Aleutian L-188 Electra N9744C air-to-air west of Anchorage August 1996, by Henry Tenby

Buffalo Airways Canso C-FCPI air-to-air near Yellowknife summer 1996 by Henry Tenby.

Buffalo Airways PBY Canso C-FPCN over Yellowknife summer 1996 by Henry Tenby

Buffalo Airways C-46 Commando C-GTPO air-to-air with Joe McBryan at the controls near Yellowknife by Henry Tenby.

Honeywell Boeing 720 inflight near Grand Canyon Feb 2007 by Henry Tenby

Honeywell Boeing 720 inflight near Grand Canyon Feb 2007 by Henry Tenby